Twilight: A Reflection of My Evolution from Team Edward to Team Jacob
The Importance of “Slow”
Key Components of Trauma Therapy
Anxiety and Relational Trauma
What is Trauma Processing?
Why I Stopped Asking My Clients “How does that make you feel?”
The Internet Is Not Therapy
5 Signs You May Have Relational Trauma from Childhood
Managing Stress & Trauma Responses During the Holidays
Living with Intentionality
Learning to live with intentionality is not only important, it is crucial.
Green Flags in a Relationship
Introduction to Attachment Styles
Things Therapists Wish Their Clients Knew
Narcissism 101
Social Media & its Effects on Our Happiness in Relationships
The Pandemic: A Different Type of Stress
A quick read about suggestions for managing increased anxiety during the pandemic. Licensed therapist with appointments available this week.
Benefits of Mindfulness for the Highly Sensitive Person
So What’s the Deal with Diagnosing?
What Exactly is Trauma?
What to Expect From Different Types of Therapy: A Brief Overview
A brief look into a few different types of therapy and how to choose the best one for your needs.